A Royal Appointment…

Posted on 15/02/2018

A noteworthy electrical contractor had a project requiring some trenching in and around Hampton Court Palace.

This magnificent complex of halls and gardens was begun by Cardinal Wolsey in the early 16th century, but it soon attracted the attention of Henry VIII, who apparently finished the work. (Legend has it there exists in the Royal archives, a calling card penned by the man himself – Henry Tudor – King of All England – Monarch of this Realm – Defender of the one true Faith – Part time building work undertaken 🙂 )

George Burling in the hire department took the enquiry and had some non standard 1.25 x 1.25 x 12mm steel plates made up to allow the contractor to complete the project safely and stay within the confines of the very strict areas to be affected.

Pictures courtesy of driver Adrian ‘Mole’ Woolgar.

A Royal Appointment...

A Royal Appointment...

A Royal Appointment...

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