1.25m x 1.25m x 6mm (4ft x 4ft x 1/4 inch) Checker – Steel Road Plate

1.25m x 1.25m x 6mm (4ft x 4ft x 1/4 inch) Checker – Steel Road Plate

Typical applications:

  • Footpaths, pavements & private driveways
  • Assuming stable ground conditions, to cover trench up to 250 mm wide, where pedestrian and/or cars will cross
  • Not suitable for use on the public highway except at very low speeds
  • Can be traversed with tracked vehicles, as the anti-slip function is part of the steel fabric of the plate.
  • As with all roadplates/crossing plates, the loadings for whatever passes over them will be transferred to the areas bearing the edges of the plate. Adequate measures to shore the underlying excavations should be taken

Mass: 75 kgs

Mechanical handling: Yes. Suitable forklift, LLC or similar. May be manoeuvred manually with levers once at ground level.

Anti skid: Weathered steel with checker or durbar impressions

SALLY Version: No

Individual serial number?: Only be special request

Securing method: Nominally drilled 11 mm dia holes in corners for Plate pins, ANKER screws or similar.

Specification sheet

Case study: SGN Gas Renewal Programme – Southdown Area