Case Studies in Power and Energy Networks and Distribution
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The roads in and around our workshops, yards and factory are extremely busy thoroughfares. Vehicles of every size and type are moving materials at all hours of the day and night. A problem developed in the concrete section right outside our offices, as the concrete began to break up. Obviously, we sought to address the…
Bridging the gap – Sleepers in Selsey

Using: Wooden Railway Sleepers During the later phases of a coastline realignment scheme on the South coast it was discovered that an engine driven drainage pump gone AWOL and was now effectively, inaccessible. It was found on foot, but despite being light enough to be towed by an SUV or 4×4, it was the wrong…
Wind and weather – EKKI mats in the thick of it

Using: 5m x 1m x 100mm Ekki/Wooden Mats When it comes to temporary access for large plant and machinery, which must then be returned to pristine agricultural land, few ventures give rise to the challenges given by cross country runs of underground infrastructure such as water, gas and power mains. With an appalling run of…
WWTW, Kent – Large masses in small spaces

Using: Steel plates for Ballast/Test Weights/Kentledge Blocks A long standing customer contacted us with a basic concept for a temporary ‘stop end’ on a drain run within the confines of an older WWTW. In principle it was fairly straightforward and have normally involved stackable kentledge blocks, but there was a problem. Despite the area adjacent…
Mynachady Wind Farm – South Wales

Using: 4m x 2m x 25mm Airside – Steel C/W Bevelled Edge and SALLY As is often the case with wind farms, being as they, usually sited on remote hill tops, some heavy equipment has to be moved along roads and thoroughfares that are wholly unsuited for oversize traffic. This was certainly the case for…
SGN Gas Renewal Programme – Southdown Area

Using: 1.25m x 1.25m x 6mm (4ft x 4ft x 1/4 inch) Checker – Steel As part of SGN’s commitment to improve its infrastructure, teams of engineers have been working right across the country in some fairly challenging environments. One of their most important priorities is to ensure that customers never lose their gas supplies…
DDK Machine Movers – X Ray machines on Mezzanine – U.K Airport

Augmented and heightened security requirements in border entry points such as ports and airports has subjected facilities maintenance crews and the infrastructure and buildings they look after to a host of new challenges. In this case, a high level pedestrian walkway had to be navigated with some relatively heavy X-Ray machines. The corrugated and perforated…
Switchroom – UCL London

Using: 1.25m x 1.25m x 6mm (4ft x 4ft x 1/4 inch) – Steel Deep within the bowels of any building of consequence is a switch room containing heavy but sensitive electrical panels. Unfortunately, being the bowels, they aren’t always the prettiest places to try and work in and can often be a bit of…
Ferrybridge Power Station – West Yorkshire

Using: 3m x 1.5m x 25mm – Steel C/W SALLY In 2016 the power generator SSE has took its final investment decision to proceed with the Ferrybridge Multifuel 2 project in West Yorkshire, and we became involved in the construction phase early in 2017. Some heavy kit was required on site, including the requirement to…
Rampion Off Shore Wind Farm – Access 4
Using: 3m x 1m x 70mm Ekki/Wooden Mats Creating roadways across land for a project like the Rampion off shore wind farm is always a challenge. Not least when the stakeholders and landowners are one of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies with mission critical underground infrastructure crossing the route of the project’s own high voltage…